The 2023-2024 BibleLegacy LLC is a division of Bible Analyzer Software.
Bible Analyzer was first conceived in 2003 to address areas in Bible study and analysis that are largely untouched among other Bible software programs.
Windows (v10 & up) — Macintosh (v10.15 & up) All BibleLegacy Products are Digital Downloads Only.
BibleLegacy APP - Pastor's, Minister's, and Teachers, can now upload their Bible study resources, such as sermons, outlines, topics and Bible study guidelines to the dedicated server. Once activated the dedicated server will enable all members, friends and family free access to the shared BibleLegacy APP. Entering the account number of the ministry in the app's Settings and they will have access to all the uploaded files of the ministry!
BibleLegacy APP Features
With Dual Bible View, Cross-References, Comprehensive Search, Daily Devotions, Topics, Study Journal, Prayer Journal, and Helpful Verse Lists,
BibleLegacy Bible Study Library - Now your Study resources can be integrated into the Library its self. Is a comprehensive and full-featured Bible software program with advanced capabilities, i.e. Hebrew/Greek Interlinear, quick and advanced searching, synced user notes, etc. It includes several valuable study titles with many other add-on titles available.
BibleLegacy Convert - has publishing features which includes converting DOCX, RTF, TXT and some PDF documents into BibleLegacy (and Bible Analyzer) titles, ePub eBook files, and HTML web pages for distribution to church members or any interested party.
BIBLELEGACY DOCUMENT & PUBLISHING SOLUTION - can quickly turn a minister's sermon notes, study outlines and articles, teaching and Sunday School material, Bible commentary studies, etc. into multi-chapter books viewable on nearly any device. For instance, it can turn a folder with many related lesson files into a single title with live, popup text of Bible references in BibleLegacy, into a ePub eBook viewable on nearly any device, and into the foundation of a web page!