Character Study Collection

  • Product Code: ID-51
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $9.95

Character Study Bundle, 12 Volumes

Some of the most profitable scriptural studies one can undertake are studies on individuals in the Bible. We have bundled together three of the best books on Bible characters as described below.

  • Bible Characters, Alexander Whyte
    In this classic Whyte examines scores of characters from Adam to the angels in Revelation in a concise manner.

  • Greater Men and Women of the Bible, Hastings
    From James Hastings prolific pen come the largest title of the group. He examines roughly the same people as Whyte, but in much more detail. He goes through every aspect of each life. For instance, with Eve he has chapters titled "The Wife," "The Woman," and "The Mother." There are over 3000 pages in 6 volumes in the printed edition.

  • Sacred Biography, Henry Hunter
    Hunter's work, the oldest of the three, concentrates on the "Patriarchs such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc. with the most emphasis on Moses. Deborah, Ruth, and Hannah are also included. Another valuable title.

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Character Study Collection

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