• A Bible Commentary For English Readers, Ellicott

A Bible Commentary For English Readers, Ellicott

  • Product Code: ID-118
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $12.95

A Bible Commentary For English Readers
Eight Volumes

Charles Ellicott, Editor

This is an an 8 Volume work edited by Charles John Ellicott titled "A Bible Commentary For English Readers." Compiled from 28 different authors, such as Plummer, Plumptre, Farrar, and Spence, Ellicott developed a conservative commentary designed for the English speaking believer.

Herbert Lockyer said of Ellicott's work,

“This unique Bible Commentary is to be highly recommended for its worth to Pastors and Students. Its expositions are simple and satisfying, as well as scholarly...

...No pastor’s study should be without this set of beneficial expositions.”

As Lockyer states this set is primarily expositional and practical instead of scholarly or technical. Thus a good resource for ministers and teachers.

All eight volumes, including footnotes, are in a single BibleLegacy Commentary module ready for download.

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