• Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary, Unabridged

Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary, Unabridged

  • Product Code: ID-103
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $14.95

Commentary Practical and Explanatory
on the Whole Bible

Unabridged Edition in Six Volumes

Robert Jamieson, D.D.
A. R. Fausset, A.M
David Brown, D.D

This title is included with the BibleLegacy Publisher Program 

Probably one of the most widely distributed and used Bible commentaries is the single volume Jamieson-Fausset-Brown (See Here). However, many do not realize that the popular single volume edition is actually an abridgment of the considerably larger six volume original.

Not only is the unabridged JFB the complete commentary, it also contains embedded Strong's numbers along with references to Hebrew and Greek words. These numbers are "live" in BibleLegacy meaning a mouseover shows a preview of the definition and a click will open the full entry,

Overview of the unabridged Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary:

  • Theologically conservative (Reformed Evangelical)
  • Uses the King James Version or the Authorized Version
  • Covers every book of the Bible
  • A verse-by-verse commentary from the original languages
  • Semi-technical (some knowledge of Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic helpful)

A "critical, experimental, and practical" commentary on the Bible, this three-volume work (type reset from the initial six volume publication) is renowned for its scholarship and keen insight into the scriptures. This renowned set has earned a deserved reputation as trustworthy, conservative, devout and practical. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown covers every chapter in the Bible with a fine balance of learning and evangelical devotion. The comments are based on the original languages but aren't overly technical, so lay people as well as pastors and students will benefit from JFB's sound scholarship and apt insights.

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