• Bible Expositions, C. H. Spurgeon

Bible Expositions, C. H. Spurgeon

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Spurgeon’s Expositions on the Bible, 3 Vol.
Charles H. Spurgeon


Compiled by Larry Brown
Used By Permission


Before delivering a sermon, Spurgeon read a portion of Scripture, often interrupting his readings with spontaneous verse by verse comments to expose the Scripture's meaning and content. Many of these expositions were published at the end of his weekly sermons in The Sword and The Trowel.

However, they have never before been published as a work to themselves. After two years of work, three volumes are here published under the title Spurgeon’s Expositions of the Bible containing a complete compilation of those expositions. While not every scripture of the Bible was covered in his transcribed expositions, this mammoth project has resulted in a "virtual" concise Bible commentary.

At first glance, expositions of the same passage may appear repetitive, but you will find repeated expositions of the same passages to contain fresh comments each time that he read them. It is the most valuable Bible reference material made available to pastors in a generation, and its value as a family devotional is beyond measure. It is our prayer that these expositions will be blessed of God to the good of many for the glory of Christ.

Spurgeon's passage expositions show a spontaneity of thought, and have a rhythmic presentation which his written sermons do not contain.

Perhaps the most widely read and often quoted preacher in history is Charles Haddon Spurgeon. His published sermons, totaling 63 volumes, demonstrate his remarkable gifts, his understanding of the Scriptures, his theological acumen, his mastery of the English language, his ability to illustrate the profound truths of the gospel with simplicity, and his tremendous intellect.

Spurgeon preached Christ passionately. Without question, he was, and through his written works continues to be used of God for the furtherance of the gospel around the world in a remarkable way. Spurgeon’s deep, yet simple trust and understanding of his Lord and Savior, his great mercy, grace and love is evident in his writings. His great longing to have others come to know, trust, love and to worship the Lord Jesus Christ is also evident. To that end he labored tirelessly in publishing the gospel.

Unfortunately there is an aspect of Spurgeon's preaching and writing that is hardly known. Before preaching to thousands at the Metropolitan Tabernacle each Sunday, he gave a brief exposition of a lengthy passage of Scripture before his sermon. Many of these expositions were published at the end of his weekly sermons in The Sword and The Trowel. However, they have never before been published as a work to themselves. Three volumes are here published under the title Spurgeon’s Expositions containing a complete compilation of those expositions. While not every scripture of the Bible was covered in his transcribed expositions, this mammoth project has resulted in a ‘virtual’ concise Bible commentary.

At first glance, expositions of the same passage may appear repetitive, but you will find repeated expositions of the same passages to contain fresh comments each time that he read them. It is the most valuable Bible reference material made available to pastors in a generation, and its value as a family devotional is beyond measure. It is our prayer that these expositions will be blessed of God to the good of many for the glory of Christ.

PSALM 90:17. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

“Let not what we do for thee fall to the ground like a badly-built wall! Let not our work be consumed in the great testing fire, ‘but the work of our hands establish thou it!’” (Taken from a Spurgeon exposition)

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