• Sir Robert Anderson Collection

Sir Robert Anderson Collection

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Sir Robert Anderson Collection
22 Titles

Another very valuable set of books is our Sir Robert Anderson Books collection. Anderson had a profound grasp of the the Scriptures and especially prophecy. This collection includes all 22 of Anderson's Books, including his most notable The Coming Prince. This is still the best exposition on Daniel's Seventieth Week available.

As another said,

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SIR ROBERT ANDERSON'S BOOK, "THE COMING PRINCE" (1895), should not be underestimated by modern students of Bible prophecy, in that Anderson not only ably defended Daniel's authorship of the Book of Daniel from the "scholarship" of unbelief of the Higher Criticism of his day, but he clearly established the historical accuracy of the fulfillment of the time oriented prophecy for the First Advent of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Born into the Christian home of Irish Presbyterians of Dublin, Ireland in 1841, Robert Anderson did not come into
"full assurance of faith" () until he was nineteen years old, during the Irish Revival (1859-1860). Though he was enrolled at Trinity College (Dublin)-- from which he graduated in 1862-- he became active as a lay-preacher, bringing many to Christ. "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing Precious Seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him" ().

Becoming a member of the Irish Bar in 1863, Anderson was introduced to police work, when he prepared legal briefs and interrogated prisoners that had attempted to overthrow British rule in Ireland. Serving with Scotland Yard until his retirement in 1896, he was knighted by Queen Victoria. His many friends included Handley G. Moule, Henry Drummond, James M. Gray, and C. I. Scofield.
"I am a companion of all them that fear Thee, and of them that keep Thy precepts" (). It was Horatius Bonar who first taught Anderson the precious truths concerning the Second Coming of the LORD Jesus Christ. "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto Salvation" (). As a Christian writer, he authored seventeen major books, among them his "Human Destiny" was accounted by C. H. Spurgeon as the "most valuable contribution on the subject" that he had ever seen. Sir Robert Anderson remained active and useful to his LORD until his death in 1918. "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" ().

The BibleLegacy collection titles include,


A Doubter's Doubts About Science And Religion
Christ And Criticism,
Daniel In The Critics' Den
Election And Lordship,
Forgotten Truths
Human Destiny,
Misunderstood Texts
Redemption Truths,
Silence Of God
Sin And Judgment,
Spirit Manifestations
The Bible And Modern Criticism
The Bible Or The Church,
The Coming Prince
The Entail Of The Covenant,
The Gospel And Ministry
The Honour Of His Name,
The Lord From Heaven
The Resurrection,
Types In Hebrews
Unfulfilled Prophecy,
"The Way"

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