• Quiet Talks Series, Gordon

Quiet Talks Series, Gordon

  • Product Code: ID-153
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.95

"Quiet Talks" Series, 18 Vol.
Samuel Dickey Gordon


Samuel Dickey Gordon (d.1936) was an American devotional writer. Born and educated in Philadelphia, he was for ten years an assistant secretary and later state secretary of the Ohio YMCA. He then began to preach and lecture on religious subjects in America, and traveled for four years in the Orient and Europe holding Bible conferences and missionary conventions. He captured the hearts of his hearers by his informal and intimate style.

Over the years Gordon wrote a series of books called "Quiet Talks" which were devotional in nature. They have a "unique style much different than other writers of his day." We have put 18 of these talks in a BibleLegacy Book bundle totaling over 3000 typical pages. Furthermore, we have combined all the titles into an ebook anthology available for ePub (iPad) and mobi (Kindle) users.

The ebooks will be installed in your BibleLegacy User Modules folder under your Documents folder.

The titles include,

  • Quiet Talks About Calvary
  • Quiet Talks About Jesus
  • Quiet Talks About Our Lord's Return
  • Quiet Talks About the Babe of Bethlehem
  • Quiet Talks About the Healing Christ
  • Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation
  • Quiet Talks on Following the Christ
  • Quiet Talks on Home Ideals
  • Quiet Talks on John's Gospel
  • Quiet Talks on Life After Death
  • Quiet Talks on Personal Problems
  • Quiet Talks on Service
  • Quiet Talks on Power
  • Quiet Talks on Prayer
  • Quiet Talks with Those Who Weep
  • Quiet Talks with World Winners
  • Quiet Talks About the Tempter

    Plus, as a bonus book
  • Prayer Changes Things
Get all 18 titles for BibleLegacy plus Two ebooks for

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